
Over the years I have collected reference texts for workshops and classes. I have moved these texts into smaller websites, sorted by topics. They contain quotes and selections of short texts from the philosophical, psychological, theological, and literary traditions I find most interesting. You will also find some scientific references, short overviews, lecture notes, discussion points, summaries, and links to external resources.

  1. Philosophy Texts: A selection of philosophy texts through the centuries.

  2. Metaphysics Blog: Dedicated to metaphysical reflections. A core discipline of Western thought.

  3. Self and Society: Texts about social and political theory, anthropology, and sociology.

  4. Money and Truth: An experimental website about the the foundations of our economic systems and economic justice.

  5. Psychology and Psychoanalysis: Text collection related to psychoanalysis, and psychology in general.

  6. Logic, Math & Science: A small selection of writings about science, and its underlying principles. From Physics to Biology.

  7. Art and Literature: An unsystematic selection of literature, including art.

  8. Spirituality, Religions, and Theology: Small selection of texts from Christian Theology to Zen.

  9. Quotes: A collection of quotes: old traditions, deep insights, and brilliant critics.

  10. Heterologies: A developing Wordpress Blog with miscellaneous ideas, observations, and short texts.